Our Story

Our Story
We are a not for profit, community-based social enterprise. The Michael Cusack Centre is owned and managed by The Michael Cusack Development Company, a Company Limited by Guarantee. Operating since 2005, our Founding Patron is Pat O’ Donnell. The Centre receives annual funding support from POBAL, from Clare County Council, Clare GAA, the Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board and Fáilte Ireland.
Our People
Our dedicated and passionate Board of Directors and staff are proud custodians of the Michael Cusack Centre.
Agnes O’ Loughlin
Main Tour Guide
Agnes O’ Loughlin is our Main Tour Guide and most experienced staff member. Agnes is a fountain of knowledge on the life of Michael Cusack and the Michael Cusack Centre and lives locally.
Sheila Keane
Education Officer Tour Guide
Sheila Keane is our Education Officer and Tour Guide and lives locally, actively engaging with schools across the catchment. Sheila has a strong interest and knowledge of local history and is highly creative.
Dónal o hAiniféin
Cathaoirleach of MCC. A native of Lios Póil in the Kerry Gaeltacht, Dónal has been living in Clare for 30 years. He lives in Ruan, is married to Noreen and they have three children Conall, Fiachra and Neasa. He is Principal of Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Cíosóg and has been immersed in Irish language organisations locally and nationally. He has been involved with the Cusack Centre for 10 years. He has been active in management and coaching at all levels for clubs and county.
Aisling Tully-Edge
Tour Guide
Aisling Tully-Edge is a native of Dublin and lives locally and is the latest addition to our team. Aisling has a very strong heritage, education and environmental management background.
Martin Molloy
Tour Guide
Martin Molloy is a native of Ennis who lives locally. Martin is an experienced tour guide, gardener and is a very competent musician who also writes his own music.
Tim Madden
Tim Madden is our Manager. Previously working in a number of community and tourism roles across Ireland, Tim joined in 2020 to develop the GAA’s Going WeLL, National Wellbeing Programme with post-primary schools. The programme has now grown to include nearly 300 schools nationwide.
Our Daily Mission
We endeavour to preserve the Michael Cusack Cottage and Exhibition Centre as a day visitor attraction and to continue to retell the Michael Cusack story as founding father of the GAA and his pioneering vision. We are committed to maintaining our not-for-profit, community-based, social enterprise status.
Our Future Vision
We strive to create the most engaging, authentic and contemporary visitor experience. We aim to continue to develop the Michael Cusack Centre as a hub for GAA-related community programmes and establish a Centre of Excellence in Wellbeing. We aim to develop a leading high-tech centre in the Burren to accommodate meetings. We aim to become a Company Limited by Guarantee with Charitable Status.
We acknowledge and thank all our stakeholders and financial supporters who help keep the spirit of Michael Cusack and his GAA legacy alive.
About Our Funders and Sponsors
- POBAL CSP (Community Services Programme): this programme supports community companies and co-operatives to deliver local social, economic and environmental services that tackle disadvantage. www.pobal.ie
- Clare County Council : enhancing the quality of life in County Clare through leadership and partnership. www.clarecoco.ie
- Clare County Councillors: support the Post Primary School’s “Going WeLL” Wellbeing Programme in Co Clare through their General Municipal Allocation Funding 2023.
- Limerick & Clare Education & Training Board : is the state education and training authority for the Limerick and Clare Region. Support the Post Primary School’s “Going WeLL” Wellbeing Programme in Co. Limerick and Co. Clare. www.lcetb.ie
- Clare GAA : the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) is Ireland’s largest sporting organisation. Clare GAA promotes Gaelic games such as Hurling, Football and Handball through the 51 clubs of Clare. www.clare.gaa.ie
- Munster GAA : support the development of Gaelic games across the province of Munster. www.munster.gaa.ie
- Fáilte Ireland – supports the long-term sustainable growth of tourism enterprises in Ireland www.failteireland.ie
- Pat O’ Donnell: founding patron. Ireland’s largest supplier of plant machinery and equipment. www.patodonnell.com